About Us

Behind The Brand

In 2016 Tortes Clothing Co. hatched from a warm sunny spot beneath a sandy beach, after several months of R&D the brand was ready to make its way from under this sandy spot out to the rough seas to see what it could become.... And so it did with style and grace!

Tortes Clothing Co.was created to "Define Tropical Elegance". A brand that represents a culture and the journey simply by using a globalized symbol - The Tortes.

The Meaning

TheTortes- For decades now has been related to the phrase "slow & steady..." In life we have to continue to plod on even if it's in an albeit way. Stay focused, stay positive and never stop going after your goals regardless of your circumstances.

The Culture- Going after your goals and through life obstacles can undeniably be stressful, but there isn't anything better than sandy beaches and tropical ambiance to reset ones self.

Then there's theJourney- Regardless of the direction there will be obstacles faced, we're just here to help you do it in style... effortless everyday fashion!

"True wealth takes time... Dress well & stay focused."

Founder M. Forbes